
Electrical Engineering Adventures.

Four Five years at UNSW has culminated in the following knowledge to share.

I've completed a Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) (Honours) degree at The University of New South Wales, a Group of Eight university widely known for its excellence in engineering. My thesis is titled The National Broadband Network - Economic and Social Impacts, in which I analysed the Australian Government's nbn™ project.

At UNSW, I've chosen to focus my studies on power systems, including analysis, equipment and protection. Electronics, computing and the merging of the two hold a very special place in my heart, however. I share this passion with younger students through my employment at the University as a laboratory demonstrator, under Dr. Aron Michael and Dr. Chamith Wijenayake to teach lab classes for ELEC2141 (Digital Circuit Design) and ELEC2142 (Embedded Systems Design).

Resources for UNSW Electrical Engineering Students

Here you'll be able to find some of the publications I have written for my own study purposes that I'd like to share with you. Please understand that these are of course unofficial publications so some errors may still exist. I would be grateful if any errors are spotted, that you let me know of their existence. I hope that you'll gain something useful out of this content!

MATH1231 - Mathematics 1B

MATH1231 is the second-semester introductory engineering & science mathematics course at UNSW. It covers basic matrix algebra, differential calculus (ordinary differential equations) and some probability and statistics. I created a concise set of notes in preparation for the exam, which I'd like to share with you.

ELEC2142 - Embedded Systems Design

ELEC2142 is a second-year course to introduce embedded systems and the basics of computer architecture. It covers both software design and hardware architecture using the popular ARM embedded microprocessors as a base. Students use Keil uVision to program ARM Base Boards in Assembly as well as C.

COMP3231/3891/9201/9283 - Operating Systems

OS is a legendary UNSW computing course, which teaches the ins and outs of modern computer operating systems, including synchronisation, deadlock, file management and virtual memory. It's based on the Harvard CS161 course and uses the fantastic learning tool of OS/161.

ELEC3106 - Electronics

ELEC3106 is a rather difficult, theory-heavy course. It covers non-idealities, design considerations and important practical electronic circuits. The student is better served reading "The Art of Electronics" prior to attempting this course.